Thursday, October 8, 2015

Trucks on Trucks

Margot Cullen, MS3
Food trucks. Delicious food of immense variety that travels to YOU around the city… need I say more?

Durham is a city in the midst of a cultural revolution. New restaurants, bars, and local businesses are popping up all over town, and the once rather sketchy tobacco city is flush with new life and new opportunities. One of the most delicious results of this expansion is that of the new Food Truck Empire that reigns over Durham. Even 5 years ago Food Trucks were scarce. Now… well, now we can rodeo over 40 trucks in a single space and culinary experience. Mind. Blown.

Food Truck Rodeos sound like the best thing since sliced bread. However, with the intrinsic laziness that comes with being a third year medical student off the wards, there are these horrible things called “lines” that form and make you “wait” for your food. Lines... what a horrible invention. This is what led me and 3 friends to a magical event – one where you pre-bought a ticket for a limited no-lines mini 20-truck rodeo.

Stuffed is an understatement when you make it through 18/20 Food Trucks (and that is sharing a ticket, BTW). From pulled pork sandwiches to kimchi quesadillas to nutella crepes, the list of taste bud glory continues on and on.

So I could continue to just list delicious foods for a couple paragraphs, but (as hard has it is to believe) the best part about this experience was the opportunity to hang out with close friends for the first time since getting out of the hospital! Being in the hospital is a different world, particularly as a second year medical student – you are always on and always thinking about the next test, the next pimp session, how your patients are doing, how much sleep you are going to manage, etc etc etc. More than anything, third year has been a chance for a mental break! A chance to relax, to catch up with friends and NOT talk about shelf exams, and to reclaim our lives from the hospital to which we will dedicate so much of our future.

Basically, third year is the best. So here’s to a year filled with food, friends, and fun!

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